Category Archives: vessel

A Vessel for Ashes


I was asked to make a vessel for her mother’s ashes. There was never any question that I would make one. It was an honor. A privilege to be a part of this last journey. I had known her mother all my life. She had cared for me as a child. She was my neighbor. And throughout my career as a Potter, she had been a great supporter of my work.  Her daughter told me there was never any question that she wanted me to make this vessel. She was confident  that whatever I made would be  reflective of her mom. I may have physically crafted this vessel but it’s design came from her spirit watching over the entire process.  I was completely unaware of this while making the piece. It flowed together over the days and when I finished and really looked at it for the first time, I knew she had been with me all  along . A girl who always had sand in her shoes and a seashell in her pocket.