One Word =One Cup

IMG_1354One Word = One Cup.  For the past three  years as the new year began, I have picked a word to explore. “Forward” was my word for 2013. In 2014 it was “Grace”. And in 2015 I chose “Give”. These are not  New Year’s Resolutions. They are words to live and learn from. In a nutshell I chose “Forward” because I was feeling stuck. “Grace” because I was recovering from  surgery and needed to accept my physical limitations. Then “Give” because I wanted to figure out how to give back through my work. But stuff happens! Last year I got knocked off course  by a fractured vertebra and spent a long time recovering (that word “Grace” came in handy again)!  So my word for 2016 is a repeat. Give!  I designed this one little cup with big hopes. One Cup= 100% of the profits to a local charity. So hopefully many “Cups” will sell and many charities will benefit.  I’m starting my “One Cup Movement”, one little cup at a time!  One Cup = Give!